Zouping Dongfang Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.
Name:Zouping Dongfang Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.
Tel:+86-543-4501136, 4500892
About Us
Professing in producing and selling water treatment chemicals and ramification of industrial water, Zouping Dongfang Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd is one fine chemical company. The company was established in 1988. The used name is Shandong Zouping Dongfang Chemical Plant. The company is enrolled with Zouping Dongfang Chemical Co.,Ltd in 2001. The company is water treatment chemicals supplier of China Petrochemical Corporation and China National Water Resources & Electric Power Materials & Equipment Co.,Ltd. Covering an area of 35000 m2, the company is located in Zouping Haosheng Industrial Zone which is the midland of Shandong province. It is near to industrial place Zibo in the east, near to Jinan with provincial capital of Shandong in the west, near to Jiaoji railway in the south, near t..
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